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The Benefits of Spirituality for Personal Growth

Writer's picture: Inner OdysseyInner Odyssey


At some point in our lives, most people experience a feeling that there is something greater than the concrete world we live in. Sometimes it can manifest as an experience of connecting with something beyond the world, or simply taking as much time enjoying the silence in the morning and the chirps of birds. Through these moments of deep feelings, inner diving and self-reflection form the fundamentals of our notion of spirituality.

What is Spirituality?

Spirituality is the broad concept of a belief in something beyond the self. It usually involves religious traditions centering on the belief in a high power, but it can also involve a holistic connection to others and to the world as a whole.

Spirituality offers a worldview that suggest there is more to life than just what people experience on a sensory and physical level. Instead, it suggests that there is something greater that connects all beings to each other and to the univers itself. It also proposes that there is ongoing existence after death and strives to answer questions about the purpose and meaning of life, how people are connected to each other, truths about the universe, and other mysteries of human existence.

Spirituality and religious activity have been a source of comfort and relief from stress for multitudes of people. While people use many different religions and paths to find God or the "higher power", research has shown that those who are more religious or spiritual and use their spirituality to cope with life challenges experience many benefits to their health and well-being.

Some Scientific Polls

Several surveys have related a high prevalence of religious coping among patients with severe and persistent mental illness. A study investigated 406 patients at one of LA County mental facilities. More than 80% of patients use religious beliefs and activities to cope with daily difficulties and frustration. Moreover, spirituality is usually associated with decreased levels of depression, especially among people with intrinsic religious orientation based on internalized beliefs. It correlates with lower levels of general anxiety and with positive outcomes in coping with stress and anxiety [1].

Signs of Spirituality

Spirituality and its benefits can be experienced through many ways and practices. For some people, this might involve the belief in a higher power or a specific religious practice.

For others, it may involve experiencing a sense of connection to a higher state or a sense of inter-connectedness with the rest of humanity and nature. Some signs of spirituality can include :

- Asking deep questions about topics such as suffering and life after death

- Deepening connections with other people

- Experiencing compassion and empathy for others

- Experiencing feelings of interconnectedness

- Feelings of awe and wonder

- Seeking happiness beyond material possessions or other external rewards

- Seeking meaning and purpose

Not everyone experiences or expresses spirituality in the same way. Some people may seek spiritual experience in every aspect of their lives, while others may be more likely to have these feelings under specific conditions or in certain locations.

Impact of Spirituality

While specific spiritual views are a matter of faith, research has demonstrated some if the benefits of spirituality and spiritual activity. The results may surprise no one who has found comfort in their religious or spiritual views, but there are definitely noteworthy in that demonstrate in a scientific way that these activities do have benefits for many people.

These are some of the positive findings related to spirituality and its influence on physical and mental health.

Research has shown that religion and spirituality can help people cope with the effects of everyday stress. One study found that everyday spiritual experiences helped older adults better cope with negative feelings and enhanced positive feelings.

Research shows that older women are more grateful to God than older men, and they receive greater stress-buffering health effects due to this gratitude.

According to research, those with an intrinsic religious orientation,, exhibited less physiological reactivity toward stress than those with an extrinsic religious orientation. Those who were intrinsically oriented dedicated their lives to God or a "higher power", while the extrinsically oriented ones used religion for external ends.

People who feel comfortable and comforted using spirituality as a coping mechanism for stress can rest assured that there's even more evidence that this is a good idea for them. Prayer works for young and old alike. Prayer and spirituality have been linked to:

- Better mental and physical health

- Greater psychological well-being

- Less depression

- Less hypertension

- Less stress, even during difficult times

- More positive feelings

- Superior ability to handle stress

Spirituality can enrich your life and lead to a number of benefits, but it is important to be cautious to not fall in the trap of some potential pitfalls such as dogmatism or a reason to ignore the needs of others.


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